Artwork for The Last Word (RBB E3006)

Nov 26, 2019 07:26

So I created some art for RBB this year and was lucky enough that the wonderful writer sintari grabbed it up and created a fabulous story to go along with it. She took my prompt to places I couldn't even imagine when I made the original art, and I adore her for it. I tried to do her story justice with my artwork (digital edits). I'm not sure I did, but I hope I captured at least some of the angst and longing I felt each brother had on this journey.

The Art
TLW Story Banner

Story divider 1

Story divider 2

Original Prompt Number E3006

And again, I want to thank both the wonderful mods who run this challenge for doing such a wonderful job with the RBb so fantastically, and to my girl sintari for giving my art such a beautiful story. If you haven't checked it out yet, what are you waiting for?!
Fic Title: The Last Word
Author: sintari
Fandom/Genre: SPN, Casefic, Romance, H/C, Angst
Pairing(s): Wincest
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When a case in the snowy north leaves them stranded and injured, all they need is the right word… And that’s the one thing Dean’s never been able to find when it comes to how he feels about Sam.
Fic Link(s): AO3

art prompt fill, dean/sam, spn reversebang 2011, maniped pics, art for fanfic, wincest

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