Oct 19, 2013 09:56
Last night, either out of boredom or madness, I rewatched the pilot of Reign on The CW. And it didn't irk me as much as it had on Thursday night, probably because I knew what to expect with the wild tonal shifts from costume drama to teen soap, sometimes in the same scene.
Mind you, I'm still not saying that it's good. It's still undoubtedly aneurysm-causing for the historically sensitive among us. And I'd have a difficult time recommending the series as it exists after one episode.
Idly, I found myself wondering if there were a multiyear plan for the series. I went looking for my copy of Antonia Fraser's biography of Mary Queen of Scots and, unable to find it (I wonder if I got rid of it when I moved, since I culled my library by about a third), I turned to Will Durant's The Story of Civilization, specifically The Age of Reason Begins, to check some dates. Given where the series starts, Mary and Francis will wed in a year, King Henry will die in two years, and Francis will die in three. There you have it, the season finales for the the next three years.
A fourth season, set in Scotland, would be fascinating. Mary would be nineteen, widowed, living in a country she hasn't see since she was five, thinking of herself as French and not Scottish, having to deal with John Knox and the Scottish Reformation, and caught up in the various dynastic plots on both sides of the English border.
I don't think Reign will get that far, though.