Mar 07, 2011 22:05
That was a mad weekend. Friday night I spent it not doing very much which is always a good start to the weekend, but didn't help the stress levels come Sunday.
Saturday was the SMC conference for maths teachers, all in all a good day, which was relatively useful on the school front, but was pretty intense in places. I got some good group work ideas, but didn't find it quite as enlightening as the one two years ago.
Sat evening was fun I collapsed in a heap at Costa for an hour or so before meeting up with LA to go to a Gig at the Picture house. That was quite an interesting and amusing experience, I have never before witnessed "head banging" in relation to Christian music, but it was happening, and I knew the music was LOUD when I went to the Ladies between numbers and then the toilet started to vibrate when the next song started! LA and I had a good sing along (words were projected for about half the evening) and the security guard looked mightily bored, there was very little need for him to be there other than the legal requirement.
Sunday I was a GRUMPY tigger, too little sleep, too much work and an inability to say "no"but by the time I had sulked through morning service, tried hard not to be too grumpy serving lunch after the service and then knuckled down to the work and made it to the evening service i was actually feeling more human and able to to take in some of what was being said and enjoy the feeling of taking part and then socialising over cake.