End of term and a flood

Dec 23, 2010 21:15

Well I made it to the holidays! The last two days of school were pretty pointless, although the S5 class did work really hard on the Monday, but everyone else was doing Christmas activities.

Runrig were good on the Friday evening vililee and I went for dinner in Dunfermline first which was made more challenging due to the proximity to Christmas, but we managed to get food and visit Primark before failing to get into the box office when we were told to by the theatre - to be honest the staff were rude and unhelpful to the queue. We had a wee chat with "mummy owl" who was the first in the que and did make it the the front row of the standing area (we were in the circle and could see her). I was slightly annoyed by the event staff, they made no effort at all to stop filming from happening during the support act, but did stop filming during the conert, which ws incredibly distracting, if they had actually stopped people in the first half they woundn't have needed to cause the distractions. Other than that I did enjoy it but was very sleepy by the time I made it home.

Saturday was a messages day, I managed to find the post office collection point where I got a parcel from ylla. The afternoon was spent catching up with MM and then I had a very quiet night.

Sunday I woke up to find I had slept in AND it was snowing AGAIN. surely we have had enough snow for 2010. The only down side really to the day was the fact that CH 4 INSISTS on changing the words of well known Christmsa carols grrrrrrrrrr. I got back from morning service and then started digging. 6" of snow wass taken off Clarabel before digging around her and getting her onto the main rd. Then there was the meet the neighbours experience of digging out the street. After 4 hours in the very cold extremes, we had a passable street and the snow was falling again. By the time I left for church there was another 2 inches on the ground.

Yesterday was stress central. I had a visit to the dentist, where I had apparently lost nearly half a tooth (with out noticing I hasten to add!) So I was feeling really rather tender when I got home and sorted out everything I needed to bring home I was due to pick PT up at about 1030 to head southwards. I went to put the heating onto twice (don't want flat to get too cold, but no point it being on all day when I am not there, when I found... A flooded cupboard... PANIC turned boiler off found bucket, then it started soundin like a heard of elephants with bad wind... What had been panic turned into almost hysterics - the noise was awfully similar to the sound of the drill at the dentist (irritating and setting teeth on edge). In a moment of panic I phoned FT who sent ST to rescue me. They are keeping an eye on it whilst I am away. It isn't 100% fixed yet, but it seemes to be heating the flat and not losing too much water - in 12 hours yesterday it lost no more than 30ml of liquid (which may have been in the bowl to start with). So a few hours late I set off and headed down the west coast with PT. It was a really nice journey the music kept getting changed at the end of each CD and a supply of sweeties being passed to me. I think that may become the prefered route south. It was certainly better thant he A1. It was about 8pm when I finally made it home due to having being offered dinner by PT's parents. On arring at home I received my snow shovels and was given a new sledge!!!!! guess what I want to do when I get back to edinburgh (don't have waterproof trousers down here and there isn't really enough snow for sledging).
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