Big wave hello to my newest LJ friend strangefancy - who made me laugh and provided me with a piece of information that's kept me smiling these past few hours despite the cold and the... sick family.
She once knew Jared Padalecki - apparently he competed in the... NFL, i think (national forensics league for debating and stuff) and was a "perfect
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Comments 7
Need to have the Prison Break marathon - when do you want to do that?
Yeah, I'm still not quite sure WHAT she meant by that.... shall I ask? *giggles*
Anyway, yeah, it was pretty funny - and it's definitely got me a bit more motivated for this upcoming finals. :P
I told A over the phone - she was speechless, which we both know is v.difficult to do! *laughs*
OK, OK - msn here I come. ;)
Oh, definitely - um, whenever, I guess. Can you come over NEXT weekend for my birthday(not this coming one)?
i think its entertaing but nto when i see the happy couples PUKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG hritik had a SON all this time
yummy daddy NOW??????????ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
lol i cant belive i was in india last year and NEVER heard that he had one
all this talk about on AISH abhi on ndtv and no one mentions HRITIK
omg aish and preity are gettiing OLD if they dont have kids soon ivf for them
do you know your fertility drops in your early thirty no im NOT clucky just clued up eww no kids for me xxxxxxxxxx
tanya will help me set it up yay
or nay?
It's not... I don't know when it is, actually. *laughs*
I need to be more organised!
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