Every new day dawns bright and hopeful, and then cracks and fades into the dust

Jan 11, 2008 15:08

Welcome back
rose_janice !!!! Missed you so much, babe - it's good to have you back home. And in front of your laptop. xD

I've been missing my TV shows (like you guys) - and so I posted entries for Heroes and Supernatural asking fans to share their favourite quote from the respective shows. I woke up this morning to 70 emails in my inbox and people have been having a lot of fun - if you don't belong to these communities, here are the links:

supernatural_tv - http://community.livejournal.com/supernatural_tv/1322223.html

heroes_tv -

*sigh* Not much else to report, really - I've been wavering between lethargy and depression, but I'm trying really hard to snap myself out of it. Went for a an hour and a half walk yesterday, iPod in hand... just thinking. Bought school excercise books today - what do you guys think I should decorate them with?
SUGGESTIONS, people!!!

On the fandom front - for SV I still have Gemini to go (I'm kind of avoiding it), for Heroes the unaired pilot AND for Gossip Girl I'm up to episode 8 (almost finished it).
The interesting thing about the uber-pretty cast is that there's such all round sexual tension that there are a multitude of pairings to go round. Anything from Dan/Serena (sweet, but getting a bit sickly sweet) to Nate/Jenny to Blair/Chuck to... don't get me started on the slash. When I've watched more I'll give you a nice report on my "findings" - but as a clue, Nate (I really feel for this boy - he tries his hardest, he's just so... confused and lost. It helps how hot Chase is, though) and Chuck are on the rise in my affections, and Dan's sliding after this whole Vanessa/Serena debacle.

high-school-sucks!, lj: pimpage, fandom: gossip girl, fandom: heroes, fandom: smallville

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