Sep 28, 2007 09:00
OK - I'm really starting to freak out now - (and realising just how important my LJ is to me!)
LJ won't let me view a single page on my actual LJ - it keeps giving me this:
Error running style: Died in S2::run_code running EntryPage::print(): Can't locate object method "new" via package "S2::Object" (perhaps you forgot to load "S2::Object"?) at (eval 1024)[/home/lj/src/s2/] line 1816.
Anyone have any idea what's going on? Help would be greatly appreciated!!
I can still see the homepage - so (obviously) it's letting me update and reply to comments as they come ... it just won't let me see the posted comment on my LJ, or anything else on there.
Weirdly enough - it lets me view my friends page - so I'm seeing all of you guys. Thank goodness ;)
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around screaming*
I'm going out for a few hours - this better be fixed when I get back or LJ, there'll be hell to pay. *grumbles*