(no subject)

Aug 18, 2007 22:29

Oh, look - Hurricane Dean is likely to reach a category 5. *smirks*
I remember 
trystan830 having posted something about it earlier, but I didn't get it at the time...
My little ephiphany for the day, courtesy of hamara apna Dr. Abdul Kalam - The nuclear bomb. Is it a threat to world peace? Should it be stopped?
In my opinion - no.

First off - the bomb EXISTS now - it's even been used. Nothing can ever change that - science never reverses itself.
And secondly - it's not the bomb that's the evil, but the thinking of the people that want to, or will use it. That's the problem - the underlying tensions about ideology and money that plague the world and cause situations which have deteriorated that far.
If we get rid of the bombs, won't it just be something else - poisonous gas, perhaps?
We've got the change the way people THINK and FEEL - not what they use to express themselves. :P
My political rant for the day is out of the way.

I went to an Independence Day function this evening - and it was a regular Indian gathering - over-dressed up women, long speeches, loud fun music, old-ex-family-friends, guys I knew and am currently avoiding from the bus...
And I had another big epiphany whilst watching a fun but relatively reserved girl I know from school completely transform herself on stage into a beautiful, sexy, Aishwariya-Rai-esque completely confident dancer - I don't know everything about everybody, and so I can never really judge them, you know?

Oh, and will everyone scroll down, if they've got time and check out my first little posted drabble? (first posted anything, actually) If you guys give your encouragement, I could push myself off my backside and actually write fandom-fics. :P

india, discussion: politics, rl: epiphany, rl: thinky thoughts, fandom: bollywood, lj: messages

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