Mar 03, 2004 23:15
Anyways It’s been a while and I guess I should explain kinda why. Well not as if there is much to explain as to the why. Its called one things and one thing only work work work work that is all I seem to be doing lately I cant even talk to my boyfriend on line anymore that is how bad it not that I should be complaining or anything case I am making money but when you work 93 hours in two weeks you get kinda stressed. I hardly get to see Fred or my family I am way to tired to do anything don’t feel like cooking or cleaning or dealing with the pets (kids) So in other words all I really want to do is sit and veg and have someone else cook clean and take care of everything for about a month, as if that will ever happen. On a funnier note I took the bird into Fred’s office yesterday because Fred needed his vonage hook up go to to learn more. And the bird needed his wings clipped and I can not leave him in the truck alone that would just not be a good thing so he went into the office with me and Fred’s coo-workers got to see him and thought he was cute. And I really am wondering why I am doing this what I really don’t know but tonight was the world premier of Stephen King’s Kingdom Hospital and it was really good will make me questions hospitals but hey I do that now anyway. So now I have a new book to read it the journals of Eleanor Druze I think is how it is spelled so I can at least know how things go and end, which will be nice because that way I wont have to wait every week to find out or wait the 13 weeks for this to be over and then wait for it to come out on DVD. I will still watch the shows and buy the dvd that is half the fun though I should have learned by the mistakes of the past that is never any fun because then it is not always the same and you are always left disappointed when they are not to close but knowing king he follows his books pretty well. But have phone call will be back latter maybe.