Jan 18, 2004 22:05
Well it seems a lot longer than it has been since I updated this thing. I think logically its only been like two days but it seems a whole lot longer than that.
On a good note work has not been too stressful I am still looking for another job found a few interesting prospects in the paper today but seeing as I leave for Florida in a few days I may not look into them or I might not really sure if I want to do that and then leave and come back have to think on that for a while longer yet. Work has not been too stressful but I think I mentioned that already you have to forgive me because I am a blond. And not one of those fakes blonds either. :) Things are going okay I rearranged the bed room today which totally disrupted my daughter’s life. But with a few pets she seemed okay. who knows she may even like it, I don’t remember is I mentioned this before or not but my kids are my pets I have a cat Shadow who is my daughter and my bird Charlie who is my son and believe me they are both pains in the butt especially when I first get home from work and don’t want anything to do with either of them But I still love them. I seem to have a really bad habit at work of slicing my fingers not that badly just a little slice a little deeper than a paper cut but still just as annoying. Found out the other day that my lil sis has a live journal too but has never posted in it she also dose not know about mine so we need to keep it quiet at least until after Thursday night. I can not wait just the next four days are going to be a trip because I have to go Grocery shopping and do laundry cause Fred cant(well he can but don’t think he knows how anymore) :) and work like a lot of hours tomorrow is 12-5 Tuesday 10-5 Wednesday 12-10:30 and Thursday 10-3 which sucks closing and them opening but it gets me hours next week well anyways have to go get some sleep cause I have like a million things to do already tomorrow before work so talk to every one latter