Oct 27, 2005 20:38
Today I didn't work. It was nice to have the day off. I went in to have my stress test at the hospital. I had to walk and then run on a treadmill while hooked up to like 12 wire leads to track my heart rate and blood pressure, and then as soon as they got my heart rate up to 180, I had to jump off the treadmill and have an ultrasound of my heart while it was racing. It was stupid. And I am sure I looked like an idiot and to top it off, they told me I was out of shape. Lol.. no shit. So now I really have to start working out more.
I have two job interviews tomorrow too. I am so excited. One is at 12/Groesbeck for this company called Batton Technologies. It is my chiropractors company he works through. I am interviewing for either a position there, or they can contract me out to other companies. Probably an office position.
Then the other one, is at 696/Evergreen. Not exactly close by my house, but I never sleep there anyway. And if I get it, I need the money big time so I will drive that far. It is for an Accounts Receivable Clerk.
Then my mom and step dad are picking me up and we are going to the hospital in Ann Arbor to visit my uncle who is really really sick. Like, so sick that there is a chance he might die. They think he has pancreatitis but they don't know, and he is in so much pain, they gave him a thing to give himself the pain meds so that the nurses dont have to keep coming in to give it to him. :o(
After my stress test I went in to work to get my check and some free food and Kendra told me she wants to make me shift leader. Wow.. I have only been there a month and already she wants me to be one. Opening shift leader. Thank God I hate closing! So I will accept it, but if I get these other jobs, I have to take them. There is no way unless I am a manager that Zoup will pay me what I need to make, and Im not crazy enough to become a manager there!No way! I will just feel bad for Kendra because I am the best person she has on her staff.
Well, Im out now.