Night of the living dead... with beards

Dec 21, 2005 04:48

So its early... or late since I haven't gone to bed yet. Tho due to the week of suck at work, I have to go in today for more extreme slave labour. Monday was exhausting enough trying to get the extra crap my ever loving boss dumped on us, I got 3 out of the 5 bathrooms done (by myself I may add, because Andrew said I was better at it... that or hes just lazy *laughs* or too old to be getting into small corners) Not sure if I'll have time for the rest today, depends on how long the normal crap takes.

Talking of crap, I look bloody awful. I've been so tired that I cant be bothered to make an effort in the way I look, so much so that my facial hair is out of control and quite possibly will spawn its own intelligence and try to take over the world. Yes I really need to shave soon... which brought up a discussion the other night.

Has anyone ever saw a zombie with a beard in a movie? I was pondering over this subject and could only remember seeing clean shaven or people with just moustaches. I'm sure it would be a bitch picking out brains from your beard so maybe thats why.

This random update was brought to you by the letter Z and the mumber 7... I'm off to get ready for work
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