My plushie wants me to kill people *laughs*

Nov 09, 2005 02:18

So finally got some time to update this thing. Been a busy weekend full of work, illness and a lot of sleeping. Went for a small nap last night around 6pm and didn't get up til 2pm today *laughs* yes 20 hours sleep, that teaches me for not sleeping every other day ^_^

Now a bit about Friday night and the

I dont usually go to the Friday night Aasoc things because of work but due to a few people asking me to go since I needed cheering up I decided to go along to this one. Basically it was just a long showing of our favourite cartoons and anime and stuff on a big screen. Got there eventually after the usually sucky buses were running late and met up with angelphie who I hadn't seen since Aya in August since shes now at uni in Glasgow.

First off we watched Dangermouse (still incredibly funny after all these years) and Bucky O'Hare (the biggest pile of crap known to man.... really) Then during the first break amidst the flying packets of crisps across the room Angie gave me my Christmas present...

Tis Maromi from Paranoia Agent, one of my favourite anime characters mainly because the little pink bugger is pure evil *laughs* It really is one of the best presents I have ever recieved (thanks to liceas as well as its also from him) Had much fun terrorising people who recognised him and some who seemed very very scared ^_^

Other stuff we watched that night included Azumanga Daioh (with the extremely pervy teacher), Cowboy Bebop (the one with the fridge), Trigun (Love and peace!), Pinky and the Brain (Narf!) and the god like Invader Zim (Gir! More piggies!) Shared a box of curly fries with Angie which tasted awesome... the fries, not Angie *runs and hides* and generally had a good night including the random texts I got *pokes Charlie* Kinda sucked that I couldn't stay til 11:30pm but the last bus was just after 11 so I had to go, stopped off at McDonalds on the way for more fries and then headed to the bus station.

Randomness ahoy when I got on the bus and someone called to me by name, I was like "Who the fuck is that? He looks sorta familiar" It was a relative of mine, dunno how exactly, who just lives down the road from me. The last I heard from this guy was a few emails when I lived in the U.S. and that was many years ago. Just how he recognised me with the long hair and extreme beardage I do not know *laughs* We talked a bit and ended up falling asleep on the bus, grabbed some food once back in town and got a taxi up the road together as it was way too cold to walk. Decided then that I was not going to work the next morning so texted Andrew to say I wouldn't be in and headed off to bed.

Since I didn't work on Saturday, I finally got around to playing Fahrenheit on the Xbox, I'll write up a review for the next update. Now some random meme stuff nabbed off people....

Its me being angsty again *laughs*
(Gaia Dream Creator)

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if
we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and
me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be
surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.
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