Apr 27, 2011 19:12
Haven't really updated ya'all in awhile and felt I should.
I've been working once a week on my Oz Big Bang 2011 fic (which is going awesome, but I may have underestimated the 20K thing) and am up about 2000 words at the end of what would hold in convention as the "first chapter". Yes, the main pairing is B/K, as if you had to ask. Do I actually write anything else for Oz?
I spent Easter with the Ackermann's after doing 2 services at church (where I had a more crucial role than I thought). They have a cute schnauzer named Max and there was lots of food...I did the Easter egg hunt since there were so many eggs. Kinda nice considering I'd never done one before. I wasn't the only 25 year-old doing it, btw, so it wasn't that weird.
Spent most of the week either in anticipation or in anxiety. Anticipation of an interview I had this morning for a GI MA position which I made it past the first round of and am kinda excited about. It would def. be a step in the right direction in so many ways.
The anxiety came from a roommate who def. needs some sort of assistance I can't provide. I think this is the first time that I kind of felt unsafe in my house, but I knew coming into the boarding house that it was primarly recovery/mental illness based and thats why the rent was so good.
Dad's sending me the rest of the my stuff from storage on Saturday so I will be reunited with my magic bullet and the like. Some of the stuff might have to get sold so that I can start my second business, which will have an Etsy/Ebay/moonfruit shop to get it started. More info on that later. Of course, if the interview goes well, I might still do it but we'll see.
Anywho, not much else to say. Just working, watching for the Doctor, trying to stay out of trouble, eating a lot of chocolate. You know, the usual.
update and stuff