The Archive Post

Jan 29, 2011 20:54

I've decided that my livejournal should serve its purpose a little better than it currently is, so I'm having a spring clean.
And here is the post where I will be archiving my fiction from now on. Some are ff links.

How I Met Your Mother

Run - Barney/Robin 4/4 parts (link to next part at end of chapter)
Summary: When Robin realises that Barney has feelings for her she panics - and runs. She returns only to find that things have changed.

The Sparkles Disorder - Barney/Robin oneshot
Summary: Barney was suffering, fighting the monstrous disease that came to be known as the Sparkles Disorder. And it all stemmed from those utterly ridiculous Ted Mosby Syndromes...

This Thing - Barney/Robin oneshot
Summary: This thing between them was growing, snowballing until they were barely who they started out as.

Penalty Box - Robin character piece oneshot, slight Barney/Robin
Summary: Robin's had a bad year, and it makes her think about changing. An angsty piece.

Veronica Mars

Ares - A WIP LoVe fic. Currently 3/5 parts (link to first part)
Summary: An AU LoVe fic in which the Echolls never moved to Neptune, so Lilly never died. But when Logan and Veronica eventually do meet in college, they develop a strong disliking for the other, causing problems for themselves and everyone around them.

I Didn't Mean to Come Back for You - LoVe futurefic, oneshot
Summary: Set 10 years after the series final, Veronica returns to Neptune only to find that some things change, and some things just never will. Originally written as a vm_santa

Blister in the Sun - A WIP LoVe pre-series fic. Currently 2/4? parts (link to first part)
Summary: Woohoo! School's out and the 09er crew find themselves at the deserted Kane holiday house by the lake, all primed for some good times. But with everyone coupling up, how will single Veronica deal? AU - Lilly's alive and kicking.

My Father? - A multi-chapter futurefic. WIP. Currently 18 chapters (link to first part)
Summary: Lila Mars has never met her father. She doesn't even know his name. So when she moves to Neptune, what exactly will she find out about her family? - Not sure whether continuing.

Maybe We're Not So Different After All - A Veronica and Lamb drabble, oneshot
Summary: A short oneshot about what might have happened after "Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner." Lamb/Veronica - not in a real shippy way.

A Beautiful Friendship - A Veronica and Logan oneshot 
Summary: Logan and Veronica help each other deal with Lilly's death and everything after. A new friendship blossoms from their tragedies. AU. But includes events that happened in the series, just not in a time order.

Harry Potter

A Weasley Family Christmas - A Scorpius/Rose oneshot
Summary: A lot has changed in a year between Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley. Originally written for the smrw_santa community.

Walk Tall - A Scorpius/Rose WIP. Currently part 2/4
Summary: Rose Weasley is not your average Gryffindor. She has no regard for the rules and it's a miracle if she's not in detention on a Saturday. In her eyes, Scorpius is just another insufferable Slytherin. But when they need the other's help in a plan of sabotage will their sentiments towards the other get in the way
Summary: Albus watches as his two best friends get closer and further apart during their final years at Hogwarts. He can read them both like a book, if only they'd take his advice! Originally written for the smrw_ficafest with the prompt: A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever. - Dave Matthews Band

fanfiction, veronica/logan, harry potter, veronica mars, scorpius/rose, how i met your mother, barney/robin

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