Feb 13, 2011 19:23
In about five hours it'll be yet another year that the following 24 hours I wish would just fly by or simply not happen at all. I dread it that much I don't even want to put that last sentence into proper english.
I never forgot about this. I just don't have time. Heck, I don't even watch TV anymore except for maybe 3 shows and the occasional saturday movie each week.
And the knitting? Well, the knitting is piling up.
1.)I've two family members getting married (talk about being shot point blank, in more ways than one) so that's two gifts--crossing my fingers that they don't ASK for anything, they just get what I have planned-- which is a set of picture dishcloths each that I had to stare at a fuzzy picture to chart because paypal won't take VISA giftcards therefore I can't buy the patterns;
2.) I have two large KALs for febuary going, one of which most likely will not get done with it being a fullsize shawl and all;
3.) since I started work I've bought one or two knitting books every payday (I get paid every 2 weeks), bringing my currently (bought) total up to 4. One if which is a monster book which I just HAVE to make some (search "Rebecca Danger")! Another is a book on color knitting with a bunch of charts and I just HAVE to try double knitting! And another is for all those odd skeins of yarn, which I most definately have! Plus there's 3-6 more I want to buy in the next few paydays...
4.) I bought a $2 pattern (long story; it involves my issue with paypal) for these awesome heart socks. And I'm considering being crazy enough to make my first socks colorwork socks...
5.) I'm already thinking about christmas knitting and getting it out of the way early. Monsters + one shawl. So far and hoping that's it.
I've done the math. If I stay on target, which I know I won't, I should be free to knit whatever I want for myself by early October, late September if I really push it.