Nov 18, 2010 12:14
I had the scariest dream in my life last night.
Now, normally I never have a bad dream because (somehow) I can realize it's a dream in the middle of the dream and tell myself to wake up. Always worked.
Of course I did that in this dream. And it kind of worked. Only kind of.
I was in a pool and had a time limit to stack items on one of those floaty things that are used to make lane lines. Ran out of time and nothing was stacked right. So this guy jumps into the pool and pins me down to the bottom. And I can't breathe. When I finally try to take a breath in, I can almost feel the water going into my lungs and that's when I told myself to wake up.
Bad idea. Now, I don't know if this next part was a complete dream or if I was partially consious. Either way, major freakiness.
But I was in my room, laying in my bed. Lime green comforter, purple sheets, white walls. And I was still kicking and trying to sit up like I was in my dream (I was trying to get the guy off me). I could see my comforter kick up with my feet. When the upper part of my body went down I could hear the creak of my springs and see the purple of my pillows; when I tried to sit up (during this whole part, i was never able to completely sit up) I could even see the scooby-doo picture, Kai-lan calendar, and Hope-word-art I have hanging on the wall infront of my bed.
And I still couldn't breathe.
Finally, I was able to get a full breath of air. Once that happened I was able to sit up. My heart was beating like crazy and my lungs actually hurt. It was hazy enough to be dream like, but so vivid and real that it actually could have happened.
Needless to say I was scared shitless. To add to it, the light in my room was the same during this event as when I woke up. I don't want to say it was convulsion-like, but for a lack of better terminology, that's what I"ll call it. It kinda reminded me of those exorcism scenes you see in horror movies. Which made me freak out even more. Heck, my lungs still even hurt a little.
Is it sad to say that I almost don't want to go to bed tonight?