Gung Hei Fat Choy!
Geez, I can hardly believe it's already been a year since I made these commitments last year.
1. Be healthy
Well, I didn't do as well on this as I would have liked. I feel right now that despite some ups and downs, I am moving towards wholeness. However, I don't often/always feel healthy and well. I need to work more on this.
2. Make responsible food choices
Sometimes, yes. I ate more vegetarian this past year than I have ever before, but I also had a lot of times where I didn't make very responsible choices. I will continue to improve on this.
3. Be more spiritually aware
Hmm. I'm beginning to sense a trend, because although I've found a place I'm slowly calling my church home... my spirituality in general is suffering. Again: continue to work.
4. Be more patient
I would say that this is a definite improvement, overall. I feel like I am a much more patient person in general than I was even a year ago. Not always so with myself, and not always. But, what the heck, I would say this is mostly an improvement!
5. Simplify
Hmm. Maybe? Not as much as I would like. I did some major simplification work at various times of the year, but nothing nearly systematic enough.
6. Go to the gym
Nope. That's actually pretty sad.
7. Get a tattoo
I debated this, once more, and did not get one. We'll see what the future holds.
8. Keep working away at the student debt
I actually did pretty well at this.
9. Read more
Sometimes, yes.
10. Write more
Definitely not. I really almost stopped writing this past year. I felt like I had nothing left to write, almost.
11. Clean more
Pffffffffft. Nope.
12. Get to bed on time
Again, nope.
Well, that was rather pathetic, wasn't it? Okay, so here we go again:
1. Reaffirm my commitment to intentional living. Live each day intentionally.
2. Improve my overall health and well-being. This includes eating properly, getting some form of physical exercise, and sleeping enough.
3. Improve my spiritual wellness.
4. Simplify.
5. Find time for writing and reading.
6. Improve our financial situation.
7. Improve my commitment to the Church in its various forms.
8. Clean.
and, of course, decide whether or not I'm going to get a tattoo already.