third roar

Jul 13, 2011 00:17

[ For when Ryuuji first gets up, it's a beautiful day out, and he steps out onto his porch to get a breath of fresh air. ...Something is odd about the air, it is, but Ryuuji doesn't seem to mind. He walks back inside and takes the phone off the receiver, before... ]

Ah, I know it's a bit early... but I was wondering if anyone knew what Taiga has been up to recently? I just want to check up on her and all...

[ Downtown Ryuuji is once more, this time with a shopping list a bit shorter in his pocket. He pays no mind to the posters but still feels the air he's breathing in to be a bit weird. Still, it's a new place and it's America so what's wrong with a little weirdness? ]

[ And after getting his supplies, Ryuuji can be seen walking back home with two bags full of groceries, a happy smile on his face and everything seeming to look up for him. By now the effects of the town have probably hit Stage 3, so if you come across Ryuuji he'll blurt out a lot of things. ]

ryuuji goes to the store, dragons loving tigers, event, some drama shit maybe

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