Aging is no more...

Jul 21, 2008 01:40

The gap between life and death could become a lot bigger in the next few decades. Thanks to a certain Biogerontologist named Aubrey de Grey.

In a few decades, (Aubrey de Grey believes as little as 25 years) we could begin living lives that last 1,000 years. Aubrey even dares to say we could live longer (FOREVER)! Now this may sound far fetched to you. Sure did for me. But I believe in my heart and mind that this could be possible. Well, maybe not living forever. Maybe not 1,000 years. But substantially longer... at least.

The scientists are working on a project called "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence" (SENS). It is a 7 pronged attack on the aging process. I would get into details but you'd get bored with me explaining it. Trust me. Instead, here's a couple links to a wikipedia page with some very interesting info on the project, and also below that I'll add another interesting page. The second link even has some questions that Aubrey de Grey was asked and that he answered. Try to read some of both links. I think you'll leave the pages thinking a little differently about the limitations of us humans.

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/SENS

http://www. livescience. com/health/050411_aubrey_interview. html

This link below is the myspace URL of the SENS project.  It also has the movie about him on the myspace page if you are interested in watching the movie. its about 1 1/2 hours long and in different clips on the myspace page

http://www. myspace. com/xtendedhumanlife
http://www. myspace. com/xtendedhumanlife
http://www. myspace. com/xtendedhumanlife
http://www. myspace. com/xtendedhumanlife
http://www. myspace. com/xtendedhumanlife

add the myspace and watch the movie on youtube on the page

its pretty interesting and amazing what hes doing
this is beyond amazing. This man will be the next Einstein or Newton. Could you imagine what Einstein or Newton could've discovered themselves if they were alive forever?!

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