First pictures are uploaded / Weekend at Flookie's

May 17, 2009 23:18

The weekend is nearly at the end. After work yesterday I went to my mother to go to the graveyard visiting the grave of my grandparents. It's now 10 years since my grandma died, and already 2 years since my grandpa died. I helped my mum in some computer stuff before I went out visiting Flookie and join the Honey-Met-Party.

It was really awesome. I drank two full bottles of this Met with 15% alc each. My god, that was so sweet, that you couldn't feel the alcohol anymore (while you drank it) .... later .... omg, I just remember that I've taken a trip with Diara and the Boyfriend of Flookie on my 125er X-9, and we "climbed" up a foreststreet, who was so steeply, that it was quite difficult to get up there. Especially when your

We did the morning after at 10 a.m. a Banana-Split.

 Click picture to maximize

Oh, at work I was on a french waggon. For putting the taillights on, it COULD be so easy. But the frenchies did it more complicated :P

Yeah, Its the left button wheres HANDwritten "Marche" and "Arret"

Unbelievebel :P

 Click picture to maximize

.......Aaaaaand the first Photos are already uploaded. I'll do it step by step
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