Apr 20, 2003 17:27
Okay, Kris has tried to kill me at least 2 times in the past 2 days, and so i fight back when she tries again. I accidentely kicked her now she is going to kill me. So if I am not at school on Tuesday everyone knows how did it okay?
So Easter, for those of u who celebrate great. My familiy really doesn't. We sat around all day, watched movies, and are about to eat some ham. That's about it. So.......
Boring weekend, Ashley Vize came down again on Friday. Its cool, because shes ungrounded so she is trying to make an effort to come see us every weekend. If any of who actually care about the long long history behind why Ashley is not living in my nieghborhood, just ask. I don't feel like spending the whole time posting.
That's all thats happened over the weekend so yea...