Farewell, A Long Time Coming...

Mar 31, 2009 00:57

Dear LJ,

I'll be straight forward and just jump right out with the truth.

I've been cheating on you.

Yes, I've been blogging with another website. Blogger actually. Or Blogspot as he's sometimes refered to.
It's been nice actually. We talk about school and art mostly but I like it that way for now.
I'm sorry. You and I just haven't been working out. You had to have seen this coming. I rarely post any more and when I have it's been rather depressing or whiny. I'm really tired of it.
You and I go way back, I know, and I thank you for being the outlet I needed growing up.
It's over, I need it to be.
I won't lie, I may have my weak moments in the future and I may come back to vent but I've been trying my best to find other outlets of release for those emotions. Preferably creative ones.
I can't come crying to you anymore.

So goodbye LiveJournal. It's been an adventure.

Much Love Always,

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