May 18, 2011 10:47
The weekend just gone was awesome fun.
It was the first Three Kingdoms event of the year down at Caddihoe campsite. I brought in the new character - a foxkin spellcaster who worships the Blood God Roshlan (not that this will make any sense to people!). People liked the kit and it was all fairly easy to put on quickly, although my hair kept sticking out from underneath my hood which was getting annoying! I had to keep in mind that I'm meant to be non-com, though, because I have a tendancy to forget at the moment, as I'm still perfectly agile enough to run and dodge. For now.
Alas, there are currently no pictures, but there should be soon.
Beloved looked awesome in his new kit. I had to do a few field repairs where the buckles of his pauldrons wore at the leatherette on his tabard (using elastoplasts :-P) but other than that it held up well. He did take a blow to the face, which thankfully broke the mask he was wearing rather than his eyesocket, and we're currently trying to decide what to do about that - fix it, buy a new plastic one or buy a posh leather one. I think he's jealous of my own mask :-P
Again with the photos.
On Monday I was forced to go to some stupid JSA Back to Work session when I would have much rather spent the afternoon at home with Beloved on his day off. (Un?)fortunately, due to the Badminton Road having a nasty accident on it, I was sent on a massive detour which resulted in being 20 minutes late, so I couldn't join the group and therefore didn't have to sit through it. Instead, I insisted that they pay me my travel (£2. Oh my. Don't spend it all at once) which didn't actually cover the petrol I used up. But hey, it's the principle of the thing.
My own job searches are doing far more for me than the Job Centre will ever manage. But at least they are paying me money now.
Spawn news - Beloved now says that I look mildly preganant all of the time now. Bump is definately present. I can feel it moving quite a bit, and if I lie on my front in bed or curl up like I prefer on the sofa, it complains. Yesterday I dropped my keys and caught them by slamming them against my stomach. I think it grabbed a kidney and *pulled* in response to that. Little sod :-P
Anyhoo, I think that's it for now. I promise I'll update more frequently in the future. Especially when I'm too big to do anything more than make a cuppa tea and sit in front of the laptop.
jsa fail