
Mar 12, 2011 18:16

So I decided that I needed a kick up the bum to actually post again.  A lot of stuff has gone on, but not anything I *particularly* want to go over here.

Anyway, I have been presented with the letetr P, and I had to think of five songs that I love that begin with that letter.  I was actually really spoilt for choice once I had a think about it.

My first song is not one that people would think I like, as it is by Muse and I generally can't stand them.  But this came out a good ten years ago, and I used to have it on a mix-tape I made myself which I would listen to when on the bus over to Bristol to see Andrew.  The riff is, as with most of Muse's stuff, bloody catchy.  (Embedding was disabled by the person who posted the vid)

My second choice has been around for approximately 15 years, was again my introduction to the great band of Terrorvision (actually on the show that the vid is taken from!) and was also on the same mix-tape :-).  Yes.  It *was* the best mix-tape in history...  When Beloved and I went and saw them last year they played this.  It was epic.
My third choice is a classic, and I have loved it for years.  No, it's not hip nor particularly pretty, but my god it's a good track, and my favourite of Alice Cooper's.  I know he looks like a damp carpet and his hair's a mess.  Who cares?  The song is awesome and one of my all-time favourites.  If ever they play it in a club, I get the overwhelming urge to get up and dance.

Choice four is another lump of cheese, and another one that I simply *have* to dance to.  I frequently have it in my car (at as top a volume as I can manage without blowing either the speakers or my eardrums) as it just makes me happy.  A lot of Def Lepard is brilliant, but this is my bestest :-).  Plus, these were the guys that really started the whole throwing-the-TV-out-the-window thing.  And would frequently leave the stage to go dance with topless girls in the middle of a concert.  I apologise now for the amount of tight denim in the video.

My fifth choce is a lot more recent.  I know a lot of people don't like her, but I think that she's a genius.  There is a fine line between genius and mad, and she frequently seems to dip over it, but I think that she's an incredibly canny woman who is playing the game just right at the moment.  Her music is insanely catchy, and her album The Fame Monster doesn't have a dud on it.  Ladies and Gentlemen - Lady Gaga.

So there you go - my five "P"s.

If you fancy giving this a go, comment and I'll give you a letter for your titles.  I'm interested in your choices :-)


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