Dec 01, 2010 12:41

And here I was thinking I would update more frequently now I have a job - turns out I'm a prebaricating lurker instead!

Work is going well - everyone's lovely and don't mind if the traffic is rough and I end up getting in late occasionally. It's quite busy at the moment with about three tenders going through (but if I told you about them I would have to kill you) AND two Christmas meals to organise AND two massive meetings next week (which they still haven't told me how many people are involved, so I can arrange the catering yet). But it's a good sort of busy. I'm only just getting used to working after nearly two years trawling the market though, so I was having a mini-panic yesterday!

The commute is generally pretty good (only about double what the journey takes on a clear run) and if I book it the office has a parking space behind the building, which is pretty much gold dust here in Clifton. I usually do street parking, though, as I've found an excellent spot at the top of Constitution Hill, which gives me some excellent exercise each day. Also, I can walk through Brandon Hill park at night, and have occasionally sat on the benches at the top on a clear night and looked out south across the city. Stunning doesn't describe it.

I am enjoying this whole disposable income thing again. To the full. I've bought a bunch of craft books recently, and should really start thinking about what to get people for Christmas, seeing as I have to get all of my family's shipped over there (probably by courier) because there's no time to visit between the Parentals arriving home from New Zealand (five week holiday, lucky sods) and Christmas Day, as I have to work the week leading up to it. We're going to the Outlaws this year. Provided we can actually get there...

I'm not going to update about the weather - all the people that read my friends page live in the same city or near enough that they got the snow too. All I shall say is that it took me two hours to get home on Friday and I was a somewhat frozen little bunny by the end of it.

Climbing has been going well. I did another competition a few weekends back and scored 30 more points than I did in the first round, so that was a good improvement in a month. I'm only able to go once a week, but I'll be pushing The Beloved to grant me leave to pop out on Sundays for an additional climb. I find that when I go in the evenings I feel like I have to rush to get home and feed him and myself and then I throw myself at the wall with the higher liklihood of injuring myself. Sundays are more relaxed (and slightly cheaper). I've got a bit of TOIL built up though, so I'm taking off on Thursdays an hour early to get there before 5 and try to reduce the rush.

In larping - awesome greatness of brilliance. Best hobby ever. We went out last Sunday in teh snow, and it was fantastic - far more immersive than in the summer because there were so few "norms" walking around and interrupting the flow of the adventure. I helped to monster set (owing to a lack of refs) and we did alright and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Collaring the tables next to the log fire in the pub afterwards was a bonus as well :-P. I introduced a new character (which I'd been working on with javez_tmf for over a year) at the big three day Event in mid-October to much admiration, and again at a Tavern night that aldric and keziath ran on Saturday night just gone. Was excellent, excellent fun and I can't wait until they get to go out on day adventures.

Roleplaying - Vampire is taking a brief hiatus but should be back in the New Year, all being well. The Monday Night Nerd games are still ongoing. We're currently working through Deathwatch (Space Marines, for those who don't know. 40K for those who know less) which is good fun. Although I admit I was somewhat sleepy last session, they thankfully didn't need the insane, outraged chopping machine of Death so I wasn't called upon too much.

The sewing circle continues with the four of us (me, amicu, shinyjenni and R) but none of us have any intention of letting it fold. It's only once a fortnight, so it's not exactly much strain on the schedule! I'm missing the one next week as I've got the Christmas works do, but the rest are going to see Harry Potter so I'm not missing much :-P

Um... I think that's it for now. New Years Resolution - I will update more frequently, I promise (and this includes game updates)
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