The job placement has ended. I can expect one more pay check next Friday, but currently I am a part of the Great Benefit Race. I have to call the Jobseekers line and get a new claim going (still won't give me any money) and then the DWP to discover why I don't have enough payments for the year 07-08 when that was the year I was working (probably because I didn't start my last job until July so that's 4 months after the start of the financial year. Sigh) and then start the job hunting again.
I have a list of housework jobs as long as my arm. How the hell was I able to stay on top of all this stuff when I was working? I'm not painting any more than last year. I did have a blast at the ironing last night and got a load done, but then discovered a bunch of shirts in the tumble dryer, so I have them to do as well as the remnants from before...
Anyway, back to the job placement.
I spent the last week doing the photocopying required that I mentioned in my previous post, and then blasting through the filing in the spider infested, creepy-as-anything outbuildings. The only good thing about the outbuildings is that I can lock the door behind me and then run around whooping and climbing the shelf stacks periodically without fear of anyone coming in and catching me. Managed to get it all done by 4.30 on Friday, so I got to leave a few minutes early because my colleagues are lovely and signed my timesheet up to 5pm. And they gave me a thank you card and two boxes of chocolates! I've never had that at any other job placement - even the longer term ones! So they are really lovely, and they know my name and that I was booked through Office Angels, so they know who to ask for if they need me again.
Last Tuesday I went to
amicu's with Rhiannon and
shinyjenni and we carved pumpkins, made super-spicy pumpkin and bacon soup, pumpkin cupcakes and watched an episode of Buffy with large cups of tea. Was a most excellent night! Came home to Hubby watching one of his horror movies that he saves up for the nights that I'm out, so gave him a couple of cakes and showed him my Jack-o-lantern and left him to it for a while.
Over the weekend Hubbs and I went round to meet with the friends from the NerdCave, plus a Pat and a Will, to play a monster game of Apocalypse. I was on team good this time, and although we started off well by blowing up the Tzeechian Silver Tower (taking a good third of one of the Bad's army with it, and most of the table scenery) we started to struggle once the Dark Eldars showed up and started whalloping us. And then the Demons arrived, and one squad of five of my guys managed to hold up 20 Tzeench Screamers for about three rounds of combat, stopping them from flooding into one of the objectives we were holding and so we, thankfully, won the game. It was touch and go in the middle for a while, but the plucky Space Marines and Sisters of Battle held the line and beat the Evils back! Hurrah for the Imperium!
Then, on Saturday night Hubby and I decided that we didn't want to spend this year hiding from Treak-or-Treaters, so we went into town for dinner and a movie. Ate at Coal again (mmmm) and then went and saw 9 at the Showcase. I cannot rate this film highly enough. The visuals are like a chocolate injection into the eyeballs, the ideas are the result of the most wonderful and mellowed out high you have ever had...
Go see it. It is brilliant.
Yesterday it was painting until I threw a tantrum and refused to paint any more, and then ironing and then vegging out with a fabulous dinner and watching lots of Scrubs. I decided against the climbing as I wasn't prepared to go out into the wind and rain, and much preferred to stay in the dry and warm.
And at the end of this week we're off Oop Norf to see the Outlaws and L'il Jennifer for a couple of days. Will be nice to see how she's grown and how strongly she's walking now - in June she was at the "hauling up and wobbling along" stage. And was good enough to wipe her dribbly mouth on Hubbys knees, but he didn't mind. Which is odd, because normally he complains when I do it.... ;-)