Weekend of awesome so far :-)

Mar 28, 2009 18:36

Yesterday Hubby came home at lunch and took me out to Slimbridge. We had meant to go tere on my birthday and he instead had to spend the day finishing off his army for the Grand Tournament, so he took me as a separate trip. Saw lots of ducks, got randomly chased by geese (vicious bastards)and giggling at the stupid noises some of the ducks make when they're trying to attract a mate. Eider ducks go "ooo", flamingoes sound like they have a bad attack of wind, and there were ones that alternately whistled and sneezed. Also had some swans try to bite us, and saw a couple of kingfishers which I was really pleased about, espcially as we saw one of them smack a fish about a bit and eat it, which I've never seen before in the flesh, as it were.

When we got home we managed to just about stay awake until dinnertime. Had a chinese, watched a bit of telly resting the rather achy feet. I went to bed at just gone 11pm. Hubby promptly fell asleep on the sofa and woke me up at 5:10 this morning as he crawled into bed apologising :-)

Today we went in to the Museum to see their Chinese exhibit. Wandered around the Eqyptology bit as well, which was cool. It's changed a bit since I last saw it - now you can digitally unwrap a mummy. Saw lots of dead stuff, and then went shopping in Forbidden Planet. Hubbs bought a Dark Heresy resource book with gribblies in it, so I'm now worried that we are going to be meeting a Genestealer soon. Then we had lunch down in the Hope and Anchor which was awesome. Enormous cheesey chips, a sausage sandwich and two pints later I was driving us up to Area 51 on the Gloucester Road. There was bought some hilarious looking games. Mine is about sheep. This is my third farm animal-based board game. Hubby bought a game which is a mix between Scrabble and Call of Cthulu called Unspeakable Words. I very much look forward to playing this, especially when drunk.

Tonight we're watching Cloverfield, and then tomorrow we're going to go see Monsters -vs- Aliens in the 3-D screen in Cwmbran.

things of awesome, games

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