
Oct 20, 2008 13:55

Yeah, yeah, I know. I was going to try and post a new Munchkin card title for my LJ subjects for the next year, but I can't remember any. Other than "Potted Plant", and that isn't a terribly good reference.

So the weekend. Went to Cabot Circus on Saturday, and had a mooch about with a couple of girls from work. Is shiny and new and really quite nice to walk around. I suspect that I shall go back, but I think it may be getting a little close to Christmas shopping now. Next year, for definate. Probably in February :) I just wished that I had decided to park in the shiny spanking new car park, instead of being cheap and thinking that the WFRP venue was closer than it actually was, and parking round the back. And although I loved wearing my New Rocks, I maybe should have gone with more foot-friendly shoes. I has a blister :( And my legs were so tired after walking all over Bristol (even St Nicks and up to the Triangle) and my feet hurt so much that it took me an hour to stagger back to the car. Still, I bought a couple of computer games, the fabric for my Vampire costume and a new CD. And something for a Halloween decoration, which is both quite cool and amusing. I also had a Ben and Jerrys Phish Food milkshake in Rocotillos up on the Triangle. If there was ever a drink to cause a spontaneous orgasm, that would do it :)

On Sunday Hubby and I met up with a couple of friends and we went karting. Wow whee, that is so much fun :). We stopped when the first person completed 100 laps, and I came second with 96 laps done :) So although people kept overtaking me, they kept spinning off and I would pass them again! And me, being the girly tortoise of the group and slightly less prone to testosterone-induced speed madness and thereore not spinning or sliding or ramming anyone else (even by accident) made it round relatively pain free. Although I did run wide on one corner and ended up on the grass, but that was a minor problem that I could sort out myself, so I didn't lose more than one place :)

Unfortunately, as I was about half the size of everyone else going round, I did get thrown about in my little plastic seat somewhat. So I have bruises on my back and left elbow from having to brace myself as I went round the corners, and also on the back of my calf muscle, owing to having short legs and not being able to reach the pedals without them whalloping into the front axle everytime I steered! I also have an aching left shoulder from trying to hold myself upright, and the feeling that a small yet very determind gnome has been going at my kidneys with a pair of oversized hobnail boots and a sharp stick. Still, going at 20 miles an hour only an inch from the ground was a hell of a lot of fun :P

After we had dragged ourselves out of the karts and peeled off the overalls (mmm! sexy!) Hubbs and I dashed to Hobbycraft for some thread and a zip to match the fabric that I bought on Saturday. Then, got home, ate some lunch and started on the costume. I hate multisize patterns. They never actually bear any relation to the sizing on the back of the pattern (there is no way that my waist is larger than a size 18...) and they are always so damned unwieldy! Cut out everything on the kitchen floor (the only place large and uncluttered enough to do this) and then attempted to work out how to fit it together. After screwing up a couple of times, like sewing the strapes the wrong way so that they didn't actually fold out, or sewing the bodice onto the skirt the wrong way round *facepalm*, I managed to get it all put together, fitting, by about 10.30pm. I abandoned the idea of the zip, and I can just about get it on over my head without it, and then cut the thing to the right length and shape and hemmed it. All done by midnight :) 10 hours to make a simple costume. I am shamed :D I shall try to take pictures of the outfit tonight :)

Although it is not exact, I think it conveys what I need it to.

Now we just have to work out something for Hubby...

crafts, going out

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