I haz sick fish (again) :(

Jul 30, 2008 09:05

Poor little Galahad's not feeling too good. He keeps sitting on the bottom of the tank, and last night hid right at the back for a while, which is really unlike him. I wonder whether it's something to do with the fish-meds that I popped in there a few weeks back to deal with his slight case of pine-coning, so I've stuck the activated carbon into the filter to clear that out. This morning he was back at the front of the tank, and went after his food fast enough. Hopefully, what with his bump (now gone) and the pine-coning, and then the rather strong meds which I think I must have left in there a bit too long, he's just been knocked sideways a little bit and he'll be fine in the long run. When I had my arm in the tank fiddling about with the filter, Gally did come up and nibble at my hand though, which was sweet and indicates that he can't be feeling too awful.

Bedeviere, in the meantime, is absolutely fine and greedier than ever!

Didn't do much tidying of the living room last night. By the time I got round to it it was a bit late, and I was hot and so we went to bed and got an early night. Tonight when I get in I'm going to make a concerted push to get things neat for the weekend. It's the living room, kitchen, hall and bathroom that have to be neat and tidy. Everywhere else can be an absolute mess (and probably will be!)

Also busy sorting out stuff regards the WPS (Warhammer Players Society for the uninitiated) as I am going to be a commitee member for a time. I get to look after the money! But I also have to look at setting up a PO Box, cancelling the old one etc etc. It's gonna be hard work, but fun...I hope...

Oh, and I have joined a new community -- crafty goth. Looks fun and interesting. Now I just have to start doing crafty stuff more often so I can post pictures! **EDIT** sorry to people who like/try to read my friends page, it's stuffed full of goth crafters, because the community is highlighted on the main front page. Hopefully in a week it should quieten down a bit...

**EDIT AGAIN** I have removed the communities that I belong to from my friends page. I am still a member of them, but it meas that I won't have to trawl through hundreds of posts just to find my actual friends!

fish, things of fail

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