Hurrah for me!

Feb 29, 2008 13:45

I got the two Mother's Day cards made and into the post first class last night, so that was three of the six unfinished craft projects done (my Grandma loved her card, BTW).

And I have JUST finished sewing my knitted knuckleduster (yay!) into it's finger pattern, and it looks totally rad! That's four of the six projects done.

I just have to do the last cushion front, and I will be fully up to date on the unfinished objects list, and able to start on the poptart phone cozy. I was thinking that if the phone/blackberry sized on worked, then I would make a massive poptart as a laptop case! That would look so good!

The last craft-based project, is I have to buy some clothes dye and sort out mycostume for the Hubbs party. I need to get some dark brown dye, and some teal/greeny-blue. And do some interesting things with wide-band elastic...

I feel revved up and excited, bt I also have a dicky stomach. I don't know what I've eaten...the only thing that's out of the ordinary was a "new and improved" sausage roll from Greggs. Maybe that's it...


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