That was kind of blatant. I guess she thinks Xander won't care.
The melody playing while Giles rebuffs Jenny, is it a reprise of the B/A theme or am I just hearing it everywhere now?
How to interpret Cordelia's 'way to make things harder'? Xander made it harder because he dressed up for her or was she sarcastic because he was mentioning Buffy? I usually went with the former until I surprised myself with the latter today. Or maybe I always thought of it and then always forget.
Why is Amy doing this? Who's Xander going to tell? Would Buffy or Giles really care? Though obviously, what with her spell on the teacher, she doesn't care about the effect on the victim's minds. 'Course we don't know whether or how much she was affecting her teacher's mind.
Diana is not a love goddess!
Is this the first time someone has referred to her as Cordy?
Now he's been dumped he's eager to go to Buffy. It makes me think he wasn't that hurt by being dumped, but more by the humiliation.
But he makes no effort to find Buffy at first. And Miss Calendar just stands there watching Amy try to turn her into a rat.
Giles tells Amy she botched the spell, but she did say intent had to be pure and I didn't think she meant pure revenge. I've always thought Xander's intent towards Cordelia was what made the spell protect her instead.
Black kitty. <3 But I've never seen my cat meow at his prey. Growl, once.
I've always wondered what he planned to do to Buffy that wouldn't kill her. Or would, but more slowly.
He backs off from Dru! <3 But it would hurt Buffy to have Xander turned, so he should have been pleased.
Blaming Cordelia dosn't make you look good to me.
Don't compliment Xander, Buffy!
I don't feel triumphant about this ending.