Apr 03, 2009 23:11
From an email from my Structural Geology professor:
Your GOALS: be able to measure the strike and dip of a plane and note what way or direction it is dipping, how to measure the trend and plunge of a line, and how to take a bearing. FAST and FASTER. ACCURATELY and even more so. To become a strike-and-dip machine!
Spent yesterday morning down at Moss Beach scrambling around on a big fold, doing just that, and an entire evening plotting up all our data - eighty-eight measurements all told. There were a few wonky ones here and there that I want to take out, but by and large I think we characterized the structure pretty well. Look forward to seeing the stereonet plots.
In general, it's been a good first week back. I've run into all manner of old friends, succeeded in cataloging all my books and getting my room into a state of moderate neatness, been absolutely delighted with all my classes - what a change from Germany! - and gotten quite decent sleep, all of which contribute greatly to my health and happiness.
Much of my stuff is still in George's garage, but he's bringing it down on his truck at some point in the next weeks. I don't want to pressure him, because I know he's so busy, so I elected not to tell him that I have such essentials as bedsheets in there, which I am doing without for the time being. I honestly don't mind, though. Just sleeping on a decent-quality mattress is treat enough after that crappy €50 thing I used for the past half-year, and I have a couple of blankets and my pillow already, so I just sleep on one and under the other.
On the subject of material possessions displaced, I have also spent much of this week in a state of barely suppressed anxiety over the whereabouts of the suitcase I shipped from Germany. This morning, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and called DHL in Germany over Skype - at 8:30 in the morning, which somehow miraculously did not wake my roommate. I filled out a tracking request with them over the phone, and they said they would mail me - care of Hákon and Hildur, of course, as that's my "address" in Germany - the results of their inquest as soon as it bore fruit. Then tonight I log onto their tracking website once more on a whim, and lo and behold! The suitcase was supposedly delivered at noon today! Of course, I didn't know about this until after the housing office was closed, so I'll have to wait until Monday. Still, I'll rest a lot easier tonight.
On the related subject of a busy advisor, George informed me today that he's giving a talk on Wednesday, of which I am a co-author! This means I need to spend Monday and Tuesday calculating and making some maps of all of our newest erosion rate measurements, but I need to do that sooner or later anyway.