
Mar 03, 2009 10:21

I write this in response to a comment on my last entry, which can be read here:

Protests soundly welcomed - I was, in fact, hoping that bringing the Great Books concept into discussion would stimulate some debate! A few words in response: On your first point, I completely agree with Mr. Adler about passive reading. I have, myself, been unable and ( Read more... )

memes, books, literature

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anonymous March 3 2009, 11:35:15 UTC
As you have so graciously responded, it is only fair that I comment somehow in turn ( ... )


tigermouse88 March 3 2009, 17:48:16 UTC
Bara svo við stöndum jafnfætis: hver er þetta með leyfi? (Ég geri ráð fyrir því að þú sért íslenskumælandi, þar sem þú ert fær um að mæla með þýðingum Helga Hálfdánarsonar á fornbókmenntunum.)


tigermouse88 March 4 2009, 00:20:12 UTC
Firstly, I'm not quite sure why you're investing so much energy in analyzing a point system whose sole purpose is procrastination. Can we just agree the whole thing is arbitrary and drop the subject ( ... )


anonymous March 4 2009, 11:08:14 UTC
I apologize, because I feel that I have been misunderstood, and not to my benefit. Such is not unusual, for persons rarely understand one another until after at least a few years of familiarity, and so I imagine that I have misunderstood you in turn ( ... )


tigermouse88 March 4 2009, 20:26:57 UTC
Þetta er frjáls heimur og opið blogg, svo ég get enga kröfu gert um að þú hverfir héðan á braut vegna nafnleyndar einnar saman. Þú gerir bara eins og þér sýnist, og ég held þá þeim rétti að gera eins og mér sýnist á móti, hvort heldur sem er að svara eða þegja þunnu hljóði.

Á grundvelli orða þinna um að við þekkumst "ekki nema af illu einu" vakna hjá mér ákveðnar grunsemdir um samhengi okkar fyrri kynna og jafnvel um deili á þér. Ég ætla þó að láta ógert að leiðast út í getgátur um það á opinberum vettvangi. Hins vegar tel ég mig geta sagt með nokkurri vissu, að líklegasta orsök þessa leynimakks hjá þér sé sektarkennd. Ég vil því taka fram að ég er ekki langrækin manneskja, og það eru allar líkur á því að ég sé löngu búin að fyrirgefa þér hvaðeina sem þú kannt að hafa gert á minn hlut fyrir áratug síðan, hver svo sem þú ert. Hins vegar er það annað og erfiðara verkefni að fyrirgefa sjálfum sér, og þar átt þú einn hlut að máli.


miriamg March 4 2009, 20:48:15 UTC
My own way is to not to acquire a book unless it has either been popular for at least a century, or promises to be popular for centuries to come.

My my, aren't we a bit pretentious? I admit that I'm a fan of the classics (why else would I be studying literature?), so my bookshelf features such big names as Austen, the Brontë-sisters, Dickens, Dostoyevksy, Poe and, of course, Shakespeare. But I pride myself on having a wide taste in books, so you'll also find fantasy novels, detective stories, mangas and even children's books when coming to my home. The books I choose are ones that I enjoy reading, regardless of popularity.
When pointing out that I don't like all classic literature, my favourite target is Ernest Hemingway. He is highly regarded in the literary world, but I find him incredibly dull. I'd rather read a nice Dickens any day. This, of course, is only my personal opinion. Other people might find Hemingway interesting. And if I bothered to look deeper into his works, I dare say I'd find some literary value - but I'd probably ( ... )


anonymous March 9 2009, 18:48:14 UTC
Haha, I admit that I am pretentious, although I would rather be named according to the quoted statement arrogant, or even ignorant for not having the ability to express myself without inviting misunderstanding ( ... )


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