Peronality Please!

Oct 08, 2003 14:24

Conscious self
Overall self

Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Here is the rest of the Quiz that they did not put in to the journal that I think is good to know about the person!

Enneagram Test Results

type score summary
6 21.5 You desire loyalty, for people to stand by you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of loyalty in your life experience. Problem - even among those close, rifts happen and loyalty based on need isn't entirely genuine. Ethos - I must be obedient and loyal OR on-guard and skeptical to get what I want.
5 20.5 You desire reason, to make sense of things. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of reason in your life experience. Problem - you can drain yourself trying to figure things out so be attentive to your physical health (exercise/diet). Ethos - I must be knowledgable to get what I want.
3 18.5 You desire acclaim, for people take note of your achievements. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of praise in your life experience. Problem - you can't win everyone's esteem no matter what you achieve. Ethos - I must be successful and achieving to get what I want.
2 17.5 You desire love, for everyone to care for you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of genuine care in your life experience. Problem - it is impossible to get others to always care about you no matter what you do. Ethos - I must be helpful and caring to get what I want.
7 16.5 You desire fun, to not be overcome with unhappiness. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of fun in your life experience. Problem - it is impossible to have fun 24/7 and the need for it will force you to run from problems instead of dealing with them. Ethos - I must be energetic and entertaining to get what I want.
4 15.5 You desire special attention, for people to appreciate your uniqueness. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of understanding/attention in your life experience. Problem - no one ever entirely understands themself much less anyone else. Ethos - I must attract special attention to get what I want.
9 15.5 You desire peace, for everyone to get along. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of peace in your life experience. Problem - there is always a certain amount of conflict in the world and some level of it is healthy. Ethos - I must be peaceful and easy to get along with to get what I want.
1 13.5 You desire perfection, for everyone to appreciate you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of order in your life experience. Problem - it is impossible to have everyone agree with you no matter what views or roles you adopt. Ethos - I must be perfect to get what I want.
8 11.5 You desire power, for people to respect your strength. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of control in your life experience. Problem - you can't control everyone no matter how powerful you are. Ethos - I must be strong and in control to get what I want.

Your surface personality is Type 6w5 Your overall personality is Type 5w4

Your results on all types are calculated into two mean scores. Your Vmean is 3.17 and your Hmean is 4.93. Plotting them on the Enneagram map determines your overall mean personality type which is 5w4. (To learn more about the rational/formula behind this test click here.)

above 3 Vmean below 3 Vmean
non conforming
future oriented
too instinctual
too attached
too practical
too settled
too conservative
too conforming
too past oriented

sub 5 Hmean above 5 Hmean
too manipulative
too solicitous
too receptive
too submissive
too self obsessed
too sensitive
too socialistic too coercive
too antagonistic
too assertive
too domineering
too externally obsessed
too insensitive
too individualistic

The Enneagram is a system which divides all human behavior into nine personality divisions. Your main type is whichever of those nine behaviors you use most, in your case Type 6w5. Your mean type, Type 5w4, is who you are on average, based on the sum influence of all nine behaviors.

Most Enneagram books and tests focus on main type and use an additional "variant" classification (instead of mean type) to account for the influence of all nine behavior types. This is the same thing as mean typing, except instead of 9 delineations, there are only three. Based on your test results your variant is Self Preservational. So when reading other Enneagram books or websites refer to the Type 6w5, Self Preservational variant descriptions.

Everyone utilizes (and should utilize) all nine behaviors to some degree, the problem is how to choose the right behavior in each situation. Ideal decision making is undermined by irrational habits and irrational motives. (Habit is how you do things and motive is why you do them.) The ideal is to prioritize intelligence/knowledge (type 5 behavior) in choosing how to act and why to act. If your main type and mean type are both five, your habits and motives are usually driven by intelligence/knowledge. For any other type combo, your decision making is compromised to some degree by irrationality. The root cause of irrationality is motivation based more on feelings and instincts than knowledge. Main type / mean type 1,2,3,4s are motivated more by feelings (desire for security) and 6,7,8,9s are motivated more by instincts (desire for pleasure). Even if your main type is 5, if you have a non 5 mean type, underneath the surface of your rational manner lies an overall irrational motivation driven by instinct/feelings (extreme example: serial killer).

Intelligent thinking exemplified by the scientific method (learn/observe, theorize, experiment, analyze results, modify - repeat cycle) is the spine of progressive human evolution and becoming more fivish means applying that system to your own life. Choosing to always be a tough person (type 8), nice person (type 9), insecure person (type 4), reduces your options and compromises your problems solving ability. Remember, our thinking ability has taken us from stone age cave people to abstract thinking creative beings, so listen to your feelings but use your mind to determine what makes sense.

main type / mean type motivations
1 - perfectionism to attract love
2 - helpfulness to attract love
3 - achievement to attract love
4 - self definition to attract love
5w4 - intelligence to attract freedom
5w6 - intelligence to acquire freedom
6 - attentiveness to acquire pleasure
7 - experience/fun to acquire pleasure
8 - control to acquire pleasure
9 - peace to acquire pleasure

main type / mean type examples
5/4 - uses intelligence to define themself (brooding writer)
8/2 - uses control to help others (ceo of humanitarian organization)
3/7 - uses achievement to experience more of life (travel magazine journalist)
4/6 - uses self definition to be more secure (studio musician)
1/9 - uses perfectionism to have a more peaceful life (librarian)

Keep in mind, your results are dependent on the accurate truth of your responses. The more you take this test and get the same result, the more likely that is your type. Finally, your scores and type, over the long term, will change as you do.
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