Oct 30, 2007 12:14
Having been asked to sub a 4th-year Scottish fiction class at 8:30 this morning (half an hour before it started), I can now relay the following important information: teaching one class = piece of cake*; teaching two in a row = no real problems, although the second is never as good (I have an unfortunate tendancy to repeat the conclusions drawn by students in the first class to the students in the second, rather than letting them discover them themselves); teaching three in a row = omigod, disaster. My stamina better improve by next year...
*Not always, of course. However, yesterday I was giving a class on Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, which is not the most interesting poem ever written, and because of the time shift/laziness, I only had three students, two of whom speak relatively little English - and it was great, and made me feel as if I can maybe pull off this teaching thingummy.