Many blessings to all of you.
Please join us in this month's events and bring your friends.
Also, if you are receiving our postcards, please let us know, so we can save on paper and postage.
March 9 - Open House Circle
March 15 - Shamanic Vision Film Screening
March 16 - Uncle Annganq -at The NY Open Center
March 18 - Healing Circle
March 31- Shamanic Healing Class
March 31 - Discover your Life Purpose
April 1 - Passover- Kabalistic & Shamanic cleansing for inner freedom
Friday, March. 9th - 7:15 - 9:30 PM
Location: The Children's Aid Society- 219 Sullivan St. NYC
Celebrate Spirit, learn the basic techniques of core shamanism, meet your Spirit Guides, deepen your shamanic practice, drum, chant, move and above all, have fun.
Please bring along a drum or a rattle, a pen & notepad, and a bandana.
Free/suggested donation $20.
Call Itzhak at 212-533-0909 or email:
Sunday, March 18th - 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Location: The Barrow Group, 312 West 36th Street, 6th Fl. (Bet. 8th & 9th Ave.)
Note: Take first elevator when you walk inside the building
Open new doors for personal and communal healing. Come experience and practice healing meditations, breathing techniques. Explore ancient medicine wheel and see how it can affect your lives.
This month at the Healing Circle, we have the honor of welcoming back Manuel Peralta, from the NY Shamanic Circle.
Please bring a mat, a bottle of water, a musical instrument of choice, your journal or notebook and a pen or pencil.
Free/suggested donation $15.
Email: or call Manuel 718-956-9695
Shamanic Vision - Film Festival
A monthly film series that explores the global revival and its stunning relevancy of shamanism to our modern lives. Find out the importance of what they know, and what we have forgotten about the nature of healing.
This Month we are proud to present a world premiere of Taiga West
by filmmaker Joëlle Kartesz 2006; 49 minute
This is a true moving story of Nadmid an old and famous Mongolian nomad shaman. She cures the body and heals the mind; she gives counsels and predicts the future. She conveys a culture and knowledge that go back to the origin time.
Shot in February 2001, a year before her death, and then a year later with her clan. Who will she transmit her powers to? Who will succeed her? Who will be chosen?
She once said: "When I was 13, in 1945, there was nothing here, no trees, only barren mountains, a few scattered families far away. I guarded the herd of horses at night. One night, I saw a rider galloping on a white mare and I fainted." That is the way I was initiated into becoming a shaman.
The filmmaker will present her film and answer questions.
Thursday, March 15th at7pm
at The Tibet House
22 West 15th Street, NYC
Suggested donation $7
Contact Itzhak 212-533-0909
or email:
Uncle Angaangaq - Eskimo Shaman
Melting the Ice in the Heart of Humanity
Sacred Teachings of the Inuit
Through stories, songs, and the power of the qilaut (winddrum), Inuit-Kalaallit shaman and elder teacher Angaangaq Lyberth will introduce us to teachings from the top of the world, from an ancient, peaceful culture that has never known war. "Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man, is an ancient prophecy and teaching about when the rock-hard glaciers will become soft. As the Arctic rapidly melts, we face consequences we can barely imagine, so we must, individually and collectively, shift to a more positive spiritual and planetary evolution. These teachings can empower us to navigate our lives with wisdom, create changes in ourselves, and live more balanced and compassionate lives.
Friday, March 16, 7-10pm
83 Spring St. New York
Members $30 / Nonmembers $35
Shamanic Healing and Self-Defense
March 31, 2007 In New York City
with Itzhak Beery 212-533-0909
or email:
Learn the secrets of shamanic healing and spiritual self-defense from the tradition of the South American shamans in this special experiential day. Practicing Shamanic healer Itzhak Beery will teach you the core shamanic healing believes, diagnostic methods and techniques to repel negativity in order to relieve anxiety, depression and emotional trauma--opening pathways for happier relationships, peacefulness, better sleep, higher energy, better concentration and the attainment of abundance.
Saturday, March 31, 2007 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Location: Manhattan US $ 59.99 / $ 54.99 Members
Discount Applies: Take 5.00 off this course for enrolling on the web!
Contact The NY Learning Annex Uncover Your Life Purpose -Shamanic & Hand Analysis
with Richard Unger and Itzhak Beery
Saturday, March 31 2-7:30pm
Cost: $100
At 83 Leonard Street #5, NYC (Pre-registration required)
This workshop reveals the Life Purpose Map encoded in your fingerprints and teaches you the soul wisdom you need to use it. Hand reading and shamanic techniques in tandem: together, these two disciplines offer the best opportunity of getting to your authentic Life Purpose.
Richard will work from the outside in, reading your hands in front of the group and using the universal themes revealed to help each participant see his or her Soul Psychology in action. Itzhak will work from the inside out, guiding you through ancient divination and spirit-connection techniques from a variety of shamanic traditions, awakening and aligning your dormant spiritual abilities, instilling your life journey with immense clarity and power.
To register call Itzhak 212-533-0909
or email:
Passover- Kabalistic & Shamanic cleansing for inner freedom
with Rabbi Ohad Ezrahi, and Itzhak Beery
Sunday, April 1, 2-6pm
At 83 Leonard Street #5 floor.
At the occasion of Rabbi Ezrahi visit to the USA, we would like to invite you to a special moving workshop. We'll explore the true indigenous roots of the mystical Kabbalah and the likeness to shamanism around the world. Through storytelling, chants, meditations and Hasidic ceremonies Rabbi Ezrahi will teach the essence of Passover, the holiday of true inner freedom, renewal and inner cleansing. Itzhak will lead us with shamanic journeys and fire ceremony to discover our own truth, and discard all that is bind us.
For registration and more details call: (212) 533-0909
or email: