May 11, 2010 03:15
So, it has come to my attention that there has been some rumors about me and the rest of D4 lately. The rumor I am talking about is that we were exclusive and we were going to have a private senior banquet with us and a few other other people. From what I have been able to gather, this rumor came from an over heard conversation at the potluck that was then misinterpreted. The conversation was between Miriam and Claire, with possible input from the rest of us, talking about how they should have a private PARK banquet, because they felt like they didn't know many/any of the underclassmen in that house. And yes it was a joke.
Personally I am rather hurt that people would think that we were jerks enough to not only plan something like this, but discuss it at a different at an event for the same club. Honestly people, I have much more tact than that. I am also hurt that only one person even bothered to check with us what this was about. You see, the reason I am hurt and do not understand is that when I am hurt about something that matters to me I try figure out what is true and what is not.
Secondly, on the being exclusive, yes I have been around less this year. Not only is it that I am not at the Ziskind table, but I have been busy with studying. As some of you might or might not know, I have been struggling with my grades for the last couple of years and I am trying my best to keep them at a decent level. I have not been hanging out at the library for a couple of reasons. The fact that it was always crowded, the lack of desks, the loud anime/movies/rockband/videogames means I can not study there. As you all know, I am grown up in a small village and I am honestly a lot more comfortable in a small group rather than a big one.
I also have been feeling like I have been out of the loop this year, and like only one or two people have been bothering to bring me into the loop. There are plenty reasons for this, things like people not knowing that I was in fact a con chair this year or the fact that I knew there was stuff going on that I figured people didn't want me at since they never bothered to check if I was available. Yes, I know I am bad with my phone. Any of the seniors can tell you I have always been horrible with it and keeping it on. I really only have it on when there is a good reason to (like my parents coming to visit, or a friend having a bad time and needing to rant and is at work). The best way to get hold of me is AIM or gmail, between the two of them I always have them on, unless I am asleep or not around. Yes it might take a little while before I answer, but that is because I might be downstairs making dinner or something like that. There is twitter, but I am flaky on that. Long story short, there are ways to get hold of me, ways that have not changed in the four years I have been here.
So, if you feel like I have been exclusive this year, I hope you understand that it is nothing personal or intentional. I also hope that this clears the air with anyone who has been upset with us. It was never the intention to upset anyone, and it was hurtful to me to find out that we had, especially because of something we never actually did.
If you want to discuss this or have any questions, I am more than willing to do so in comments, aim, email or in person.