So, as I guess you have all understood by now, I am a corset girl. I love them, I love the way they look, I love the complicated construction in them. In short I think they are oh so very cool. And here I want to show you some of my favoritest corsets of all time. This is why I want to make my own because I want to get good enough to make something like this.
I am especially in love with the second one here
I see a theme in color here
Though I am also very fond of greens... I have so many ideas for corsets I want to make for myself
Speaking of corsets. For the one I want to make, I have the fabric for a mock up and underlayer, I got three different brocades I want to use. What I need to order is the following:
Busk (I need a 14'' busk, at least I think so)
Boning (I want to get spiral steel, it is more flexible than spring steel, but wider and thus should offer some more support. I need to scale the pattern up to see how much I need)
Waist tape (I need to get enough to go around my waist.
I also need to decide between lacing bones or grommets. I am really not sure what is best. More research needs to be done here