and now time for ... wacky news around the world. sponsored by the transplant immunology lab.
"The Real Face/Off" As you all should know, I am in love with Nicolas Cage. Well, more specifically, I'm in love with Nick Cage in the following four movies:
The Rock,
Con Air,
Gone in 60 Seconds, and
Face/Off.. Judgement on my taste in men and acting ability aside, this piece of news is intriguing - a real face transplant, hardcore Face/Off style. Leave it to the French to do something this awesome ... and controversial.
"Limbo In A State of ... Limbo" Those four years of
Catholic School(after being raised a Protestant) taught me one thing: the Catholic Church is INSANE. This is probably why I enjoyed the movie
Dogma soo much. As if I needed more proof of the insanity of the Catholic Church, this story comes along and seals the deal. At least I respected the Catholic Church before for sticking to their guns, but now, going back on a 2,000+ year old belief? There goes my respect.
"Twelve Months of Biblical Erotica" Those crazy Germans with their crazy ...
Bible porn. This is by far the craziest youth group idea ever. And like they say, "[...] it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that you are forbidden to show yourself nude."
"The Silliest Thesis Project Ever" Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I worry about greenhouse emissions. I have nightmares about the abundace of
cow 'emissions'. I should've jumped on this thesis project. Damn.