Aug 27, 2009 05:07
My name is Janine Keely Anderson. Everyone just calls me Keely though. Because I don't look like a Janine at all. I'm 25 years old and I've experienced more than I'll ever tell you, because you don't have the energy or time. I was named after my great Aunt, she was my mom's favorite. I guess she was some hippie protester. Real strong woman. My mother's opinion is shit by the way. I wish I could call her a sperm donor, or a deadbeat, like you can a bad father. She left when I was ten. Granted, my dad did some stupid shit, cheated, lied to her constantly, spent his few free hours off patrol with some lady cop. I don't know. Whatever. But she LEFT ME. I was six. Barely old enough to understand what a marriage was, all I knew was that she was supposed to take care of me. Oddly enough, once mom left, so did the whore. Dad never found anyone else. I don't know if it was guilt or shame or remorse or whatever other word you want.