Jul 28, 2005 04:20
I would just like to take this time to report that my wavering belief in a higher power was singly and resolutely resolved this afternoon. After disparing the majority of the day about my simultaneous boredom, headache, stomachache, and altogether gloomy disposition brought on this morning by Fall winds and my constant catatonic state at work, a miracle occurred. After taking an early lunch and returning to my lonely and barren cubicle, I treacherously craved something sweet. I settled for a lone gummy worm provided by a fellow disheartened intern, only to be left with 4 more hours of work looming ominously ahead of me.
...When all of a sudden this angel appeared beside me, floating about with her short brown curly 80s, and subsequently puffy hair reminiscent of a halo. She offered me the very last piece of cake left over from a coworker's birthday festivities in another department. Too awed to elicit the proper response (YAYYYY! HALLELUJAH! YIPEEEEE! SCALAMAZOO!) I merely let the angel place the cake plate in my hands without resistence. I mumbled a meek "Thank you" as she left as quickly as she came. In my possession was now the MOST white, moist piece of cake I had ever layed eyes upon. Glorious homemade whipped icing, the perfect amount of sugar and love coating my divine slice of cake. There is a God!