May 01, 2009 01:18
In my last post, I had talked about wanting to sleep with two guys. Now, it appears that it's only really down to just one of them. The thing that's bugging me is that I have been completely consumed with having sex with just this one guy for the past few nights, and I have had dreams about it and then I wake up drenched in sweat. No, I haven't asked him about it...mainly because I am still thinking of a way to even approach the subject. In the long run, it would be better that I didn't say anything about it to him. On the other hand, I can't help but wonder what exactly would happen if I did decide to say something. I can hear exactly how the conversation would go in my head and it ends two different ways. The first outcome is always the favored one, and the other is still favored but not as much as the first. It looks kinda like this:
Me: Hey, there's something that I need to ask you. I don't want to ask but I have to ask you before I lose the nerve.
Him: Okay, what do you need to ask?
Me: As you know I'm pregnant, and with it comes upsides and downsides. To cut to the chase, I am begging you to have sex with me. That's all I want from you, just a 20 minute hot thrust and fuck in your bed. Get me off and don't think twice about throwing me out after it's over. Okay?
Him: ROTFlMAO, seriously?
Me: Yeah, it's not funny and i'm not joking. I HAVE got to get laid or I am likely to kill someone, and that's where you come in. Look at it this way, if you help me out then I will help you out. Look at this as a business transaction, we both stand to gain the pleasure of knowing that we got off and were sexually content for the moment.
Him: Why me? Isn't there anyone else you could ask?
Me: Not exactly, most men don't like the idea of having sex with a pregnant chick. And for some reason I want to have sex with you. Before you ask me anything else, just know that your the best I have ever had in my life and that's why I came to you with this problem of mine.
Him: Okay, if you REALLY need to...I guess I can help you out.
Me: Good, now I can be undressed and ready in about ten minutes and that includes travel time.
Yeah, this is the same thing I have been hearing in my head for the past 3-4 days now. I'm not going to do the unfavored portion because that would make this post alot longer than it really needs to be. Goodnight, folks.