cooldown from a run, from my weekend, from thoughts

Apr 17, 2006 13:48

Does choosing someone for president of something mean that you respect them and think that they can do a better job than others, or simply that you don't want the job yourself? I'm hoping it's the first one, because I'm starting to realize already that there's going to be quite a bit of pressure involved in this office if I do end up with it. I don't think people have even nominated anyone else. That's SCARY. So I guess, the way to think about it is, everyone wants me to be responsible. I just hope I can keep things working like they did this year. I need to make a list of things that can be done to improve the chapter, as well as a list of things that need to be done next year, by myself, perhaps even starting in the summertime.

My face is still burning up after my run and a shower.. I'm just trying to take a break before getting ready to go..just under 25 minutes till I have to leave. BAH. Hopefully Ryan went to the gym today, if not, it's going to be a very busy/silent evening. He's winding down his last semester of undergrad, and then spending some time with me this summer (because I said so) and Jeff's heading off to Chicago today.. (which is NOT the windy city...Corpus Christi is) hopefully he'll be able to relax some after his trip, I myself, have LOTS to do...but I'm putting it off right now, just to get my thoughts down...which should be done in my journal.. which I'll work on tonight. Hopefully I'll have a new plan for working out and working tonight..just need to put the finishing touches on that nonsense, and I'll be good to start the end of my junior semester. Alright, written enough..onward to class preparation!
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