Jan 13, 2006 14:13
Oh my God. I was just flicking through (yes, I'm that sad, sorry), and I found this journal where all these girls go to discuss how to STARVE THEMSELVES. I'm serious. I felt sick. They were all talking about how they ate a bowl of cereal and now won't eat for a week or some bullshit like that. I left a messgage, I don't care that it's none of my business but it makes me so MAD.
It went something like, "why? why? why? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? Yeah, so I hate my arms too, but I DON'T COMPENSATE BY STARVING MYSELF FOR MONTHS ON END!" Then I cursed quite a lot. But Jesus! Those girls are sick. SICK, I TELL YOU, SICK. It is NOT NORMAL, it is NOT RIGHT, it is just SICK and they need HELP. HEAR ME? HELP!!!!
And yeah, it's none of my business, but frankly I don't give a flying pigeon's left eyeball.