02 :: Nero says NO MORE GOD DAMN FRIED RICE [video/action]

Oct 10, 2011 01:54

[When the feed flips on today, there's a pair of yellow paws just fringing the camera, and a Bagon looking mighty fresh and clean. See those shiny scales, Johto? They are POLISHED today! Don't forget how strong that crest is looking. In the background though, there's more than enough chatter that maaaaay distract from the scene at hand.]

How much of a one trick pony are you?

Whaaat, you said you liked it last night!

That doesn't mean I want to eat it every single night! Jeez..

Well then, how about you cook something next time! Since you can't seem to handle a few days of fried rice..

A few days?! It's been a week of fried rice for dinner! And, fine, I'll cook dinner next!

[Do the Pokemon seem to care about the arguing? Nah. The Gear is set up against something and Pii-chan comes around with a kleenex, helping polish Buster a bit more and present him even better to the viewers. SEE HOW AWESOME BUSTER IS YEAHHHHH.]

Wait, you really can cook?

What, don't think I can take care of myself?

[Well, with Pii-chan giving the Gear a 'closing statement' of a wink and fingersnap and a last LOOK AT HOW AWESOME BUSTER IS motion with his paws, both Pokemon are moving into the screen and one of them hits the off switch. Shows over, folks!]

(ooc: Blue is Nero, Green is Wild Tiger/Kotetsu, and both people will be responding when they realize this was recorded, gawd pokemans 8| )

nero, location: cherrygrove city, pikachuuu, tigers and cooking, whyyyyy, kotetsu used fried rice

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