I was looking forward to returning home to Back End. But things aren't what I expected now that I have arrived.
Some hobbits have disappeared, others have turned into animals.
*sighs* I guess that's par for the course in the MESPT around here
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*holds up bottle of sake and two cups* What do you think?
*clears off two chairs for them to sit*
And my nephew being a marsupial *drinks sake, refills cup* and everyone disappearing. *drinks second cup, refills*
Oh, Tiger. What are we going to do?
First of all, you're going to ease up on the drinking. At least until I catch up with you.
*pours himself a drink*
Second, Iorhael or your sister might be better equipped to take care of Bingo's...predicament than either of us. Oh I'm willing to be called upon and would do whatever's required, certainly. But I have no experience with transmorgrified beings.
*tosses down his drink, pours another*
I agree that we need to stick together. But I have no action plan beyond putting a dent in the liquor level of this sake bottle.
*fills the cups again*
Hmmm...the dent's getting dentier. Yep. I think we've taken a real divot out of this bottle now. Wonder if there's more in the kitchen?
*attempts to walk*
Hold on. I'm not letting you out of my sight. We've got to stick together. Bad things happening now. Too many to count.
*passes hand over forehead*
Maybe I have a bottle stashed somewhere?
*looks around* I don't see another bottle. *sad*
Oh! Sorry, Bagshot. I almost flattened you there.
*peers closer at cat*
You aren't, by chance, one of my relatives in disguise, too?
No I mean we still haev the bottl but is empty.
You kno. Like no mrre. All gone. Kichen too far to walk. May be we can crawl like you kitty-style.
*is sad*
*looks closely at Bagshot and the cat next to him* Ar ya sur you'rnot my ... um ... *thinks for a moment* my, ummmm, nephew's partttner's mother's kids? Not that one, t'other uns?
Ive had enuf to drink now. Will pass...sleep out now. YEs.
*cradles his head on floor*
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