"Take Me Into Your Darkest Hour, I'll Stand By You"

Jun 26, 2004 02:52

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Today was absolutly fucking amazing. I'm not making this entry friends only because I want everyone to read it.

To everyone who was at Sunset Beach, and Bobby's house today: I fucking love every single one of you. I don't care if I've known you for years, or just met you at Brian's house the other day. I LOVE you all. Every single one of you are absolutly amazing and I'm so lucky to have spent time with you guys. I fucking love you ALL

I honestly don't feel like writing out everything that happened today so here's what we're gonna do:
~Used a half a tank of gas today
~Had an AMAZING time at Sunset beach
~Got thrown in the water
~A chair and 2 pairs of sunglasses were lost in the water, the chair was recovered hours later, the glasses were not.
~Went swimming in the cold water and found out that in intensly cold water my whole entire body hurts if you touch it, espically my arms, back, and legs
~watching the sunset
~intensly large amounts of driving, and wonderful talks with Brian.
~2 Bites of Brian's double cheesebuger = heavenly.
~Hanging out with everyone at Bobby's house.
Honeslty it was the best fucking time that I've had in a long time. I love you all so fucking much.

CrazyTigerKitten (1:58:04 AM): and I had 2 bites of a double cheeseburger. Can I just say that that's like being SOOOOOOOO horny and only getting to make out.....and not even make out for a long time either.
Testostrogen (1:58:04 AM): yeah...this is your cue to go get food.
CrazyTigerKitten (1:58:06 AM): it's like that
CrazyTigerKitten (1:58:08 AM): only worse
gReyfoxsnl (1:58:17 AM): hm
Mchicky123 (1:58:25 AM): HAHAHAHAAAAAA
Mchicky123 (1:58:51 AM): lacey...only you would compare a double cheeseburger with sex.
Mchicky123 (1:58:56 AM): wait...no...
Mchicky123 (1:59:01 AM): that's not true at all.
CrazyTigerKitten (1:59:03 AM): instead of satasfying my hunger, it only made it worse
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