its a been along time

Sep 02, 2009 02:04

So its been like three or four years since I last used my lj but I'm kinda happy I got reacquainted with it. I'm sure its a good outlet and less likely to be discovered then say just writing in a journal. So since last time I've gotten a really good pating job, moved out of home, and just recently got married...with a lifetime of unforgettable moments in between. Jumping into the hear and now and using my lj like I should...I've been really depressed the last so and so amount of months and decided to go on pills for mostly my anxiety but I guedd my depression as well. I was on them for a month and didn't really notice a difference when I wa on them but now that I am back off of them again I feel like I'm slipping into the same old habits. We are a month away from owning our first home and I just feel overwhelmed. - know a major issue is the fact I feel like shit because I've been struggling to get pregnant for the last year and I feel like my life is not going to be perfect without a child to make it complete. I want a little Leighton Harley or Ryder Jacobi running around bit instead I guess I'm fighting a fruitless battle. :( (hen I'm fighting with my brother to get the bills payed and at this point I don't care what he doed as long as the bills do get paid and I don't have to worry about anyone but myself and joey and maybe a baby. But of course there's mom going through her cancer and dad being a major douche and then joeys family who apparently doesn't like me all that much but whatever. I guess I do have too much damn drama in my life. Geez...this was everwhere but I'm at work and all my blackberry so my thoughts are kinda spuratic..
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