Sep 17, 2004 22:15
This is pretty much the conversation Dot and I had last night, edited for the sake of brevity and my memory. You won't find it funny unless you know CSN(Y), but, read it anyway, it might be amusing anyway.
Lindsie walks into park, previously being under the impression that she had never been there before, and suddenly gets a stong feeling she has, in fact been there before. "Whoa, Deja vu!"
Dot: "heh. that sounds like a song!" (funny, in that she knows full well that "Deja Vu" is a song by CSNY) "I feel like I've been here before...don't you know? Dont you wonder?"
Later...Lindsie: "Well, Dot, I almost cut my hair, and consequently it happened just the other day"
Dot: "Lindsie, don't forget to teach your children well..."
Lindsie: "I don't have children! But I could teach my parents..."
Later...Lindsie: "I feel so helpless..."
Dot: "Really? Helpless, helpless, helpless?"
Dot walks to picnic table where the food is and says: "Lindsie, you should sit down on this bench....made out of wood...stock...."
Lindsie: "Ok..."
Lindsie: "I saw a southbound train the other day..."
Dot: "oh, the Marakesh Espress?"
Lindsie: "I also saw a wooden ship..."
Dot: "was it going towards the southern cross?"
Lindsie: "I don't know..."
Dot: "did you see that dark star?"
After everyone is sitting and eating, Lindsie has eaten scarcly anything, which drives Dot to say: "Lindsie, you should eat"
Lindsie: "I think my stomach will carry on"
Later, Lindsie: "were you born 4 and 20 yeras ago?"
Dot: "No..."
Randomly, Lindsie: "This woman that I work with, her name is Judy, and she has such beautiful blue eyes!"
Dot: "....really..."
Lindsie: "and there's this new girl at my school, she's such a country girl..."
Dot: "interesting..."
Lindsie: well, for what it's worth..."
Lindsie notices a commotion on the playgound: "Something's happening over there!"
Dot: "what it is, isn't exactly clear!"
Later, before company parts, it is dark, and Lindsie randomly blurts out: "Doctor, my eyes! It's so dark! I can't see!"